
Maha shivaratri how to do pooja in telugu pdf
Maha shivaratri how to do pooja in telugu pdf

maha shivaratri how to do pooja in telugu pdf

Offer perfume to the Lingam with the prayer: The mantras that accompany each offer can also be a simple line mantra. This is called panch upchar puja or puja with 5 steps or offers. Auctions can be as simple as offering the 5 basic items: gandh or perfume, pusph or flowers, dhoop or incense, deep or arti and naivedya or prasad. A Shiva Lingam is installed in a thali or tray and the puja and Abhishekam are made in the lingam with the thali or plateau avoiding spills, etc. The following is a simplified procedure that can be followed at home with basic preparation and materials. The time between pujas and Abishekam is devoted to bhajans or reading scriptures, etc. Abishekam is the ritual bath of Lingam with the right items (milk, dahie, ghee, honey, coconut water, sugar cane juice, etc.), as well as water, accompanied by the chanting of the mantras. with puja, kirtan, jaap and Abishekam from Shiva Lingam.

maha shivaratri how to do pooja in telugu pdf

In most official ceremonies in the temples, the Mahashivratri night starts at 18:00.

maha shivaratri how to do pooja in telugu pdf

Therefore, when the natures of Tamas and Rajas are overcome, then Satwic dominates, which makes it easier to focus on the Lord. Staying awake in prayer throughout the night goes beyond the tamasic nature of the personality.

maha shivaratri how to do pooja in telugu pdf

Fasting involves the control of all the senses and the consecration of all work and activity to the Lord, so it is a way of transcending the rajasic tendencies of the mind. These two aspects of the Maha Shivaratri, fasting during the day and prayer all night, make it one of the most sacred feasts. The day before the festival is spent fasting as a form of preparation for ceremonies. A devotee usually spends all night in prayer, worship and meditation to Lord Shiva. In each of the praharas, puja is performed and the Shiva Lingam is bathed with auspicious items such as milk, dahie, ghee and honey. The night of Maha Sivarathri is divided into 4 sections each lasting 3 hours. Mahashivratri is a night festival: Ratri means night.

Maha shivaratri how to do pooja in telugu pdf