To allow access for a player to a private server you can either create the player with a role greater than "No Access" or edit the player entry if it already exists. The default role is the role assigned to all users/players that don't have any other role assigned to them. To make a server private just set its "Default Role" to "No Access". Has full superuser access to the entire panel and the panel settings

Has full control over all server functions such as managing players, editing configs, etc.Ĭan assign co-owner status to other users The following list of available roles is in ascending order, meaning the listed roles include the capabilities of all of the roles above them:Ĭan see basic information about a server like online status and number of playersĬan use chat, view available commands and use certain cheat functionality if enabled by the server ownerĬan start servers, use the "admin say" command, see the server console, summon/kick/tp players, use the "give" command and download backupsĬan issue server commands, stop/restart the server and start backups The role assigned here applies to all servers in the panel so if a user has the global role "Administrator" they will be admin for all servers. To assign a role globally you can go to the user profile under "Users" and then change the "Global Role" setting.To assign a role to a user for a single server you can go to the settings page of that server and then under "Advanced"->"Users" you can look up the user and change the role.You can assign different roles to users, either per-server or globally: The players role can also be adjusted without linking it to a user so it is optional for players to register.

By doing so the player inherits the role of the user. Each server has a separate list of players. Players are created as soon as they are seen by a minecraft server. Users are registered control panel users that can use various functions depending on their access rights for a specific server. Multicraft makes a difference between users and players.